Saturday, April 4, 2009

Motivation to get out of bed

Here are my opinions on every day of the week. 

Monday - I don't necessarily think about Monday's since im in too much of  a rush getting ready for school and doing some last-minute homework. But when I come to think of it I hate Monday's, just as Garfield, since Monday is the start of new assignments, more homework, and 5 days of school till the weekend.

Tuesday - Almost the same as Monday, I tend to forget about what day it is and just carry on with getting ready. I think I have computers every Tuesday so I get excited about that. (How nerdy)

Wednesday - The shortest day of the week (in terms of periods in the day) Only 4 periods then 2 periods of sport! Hoorah. Speaking of sport I must not forget to change my sport selection. Beach Games! What was I thinking? And yes Wednesday is good since its Hump Day. Walk home today.

Thursday - Also a pretty short day, only 5 periods, the shortest day in terms of time at school. Also get to walk home. Yay for health!

Friday - Obviously the best day of the week, escpecially when it comes to last period. No more school (for 2 days, at least). Don't even have to walk home, the bus make sit on time! Imagine walking home on Friday! Gah!

Saturday - Possibly second best day. Get to do whatever I please. Oh yes! Theres another day off tomorrow!

Sunday - Not so much a fan of Sundays, since you know it's Monday tomorrow and you'll start the cycle again.

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