Thursday, June 18, 2009

This blog is not disbanded

my collegue thinks this blog is disbanded but im am still and making blogs

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This blog is disbandoned.
Don't you mean Disbanded?
Yup, all of those things

Well you won't have a clue as to what the above quote means if you don't watch Flight of the Conchords. Even if you do, you would have to have watched that particular episode in which that piece of text was performed. But enough of the quote.

We're moving to Wordpress.

Moving to Wordpress from Blogger is like abandoning your old '97 Commodore to get a Lamborghini, moving from a crappy shack to a Mansion, switching from Pepsi to Coke, old 15" CRT monitor to a new 22" Widescreen monitor, or getting a new hat.

So yeah. New link:

See you there.

Moving will no longer be hosted by Blogger.
We're moving to wordpress. The site is pretty much done, but i'll give you the link after i've posted a bit on there and fixed a few bugs.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Escape to The Apple Store.

Yet another historic dig excursion.
This time it's to Sydney.

Heres the plan:
Pack lunch or buy it beforehand.
During our lunchbreak run to the Apple Store.
Meet back at museum 1 hour later.

Everybody's happy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

im still here

I'm just posting less becuase mr Optus has slowed down our connection again. As soon as I get some credit i'll post off my phone.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Laptop HDD Confirmed

Yes there is now at least one teacher that knows whats going on.

My science teacher has confirmed that the laptops will have 2gb of RAM and a 160gb hard drive. Now if you are just as clueless as some of the other teachers, those specs are a good thing.

160gb will get you (minus the space Windows XP takes up) about:
-158,000 pictures at 1mb each
-31,600 songs at 5mb each
-790 1/2 hour Family Guy episodes, at full DVD quality, mp4 format
-3950 1/2 hour Family Guy episodes, at high quality, mkv format
-79 2 hour movies at full DVD quality
-158 million text files

Tutorial: A Classic Lake High Fight.

Above: A classic fight. You could learn from this.

OK obviously Jarrod and Matt don't know how to have a proper Lake High fight. Here are a couple of guidelines for next time:

Gather up your homies
First thing you have to do before the fight itself is gather up as many people as you can to be on your side. They don't even have to be friends, just grab a couple of year 7'ers and say theres a lollipop in it for them.

Walk around a bit
When you've gotten a crowd, take a stroll around the school. One route that is commonly taken goes as follows; Start out in the main quad, walk through the other quads and eventually go find the person you want to fight (Or otherwise known as the "fightee"). This is probably the most important part of the fight since you can gain attention and even more members for your gang.

Insult the victim/fightee
Apart from the classic and most obvious, "U wanna fight me?", there are a number of insults you can throw at the fightee. Slip in a couple of swear words to intimidate your fightee.

Start the fight
From here you can do whatever you want. Just make sure there are a couple of kids recording it so they can bluetooth it to you later.

Teachers and Technology II

Today is the day I found our school's very first teacher to finally hug technology. Or so I thought. Let's read on...

Long-time readers may remember that post I made about teachers and technology. Well today I handed in an assignment on a USB stick. Hurrah.

As I handed it to my teacher, he said,
"I'm not going to print that out."
Now this got my hopes up. Is this the very first tech-savvy teacher in our school? Will he save paper by marking it off the computer?

"Go to the computer room and print it off yourself."

Now this is ironic since it was my Geography teacher that said that. Don't Geography teachers believe in Global Warming? They're always whining about it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Very Rare Sighting Indeed

I was going through some old files and found an old screenshot I had taken.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I've recently established a town in the middle of nowhere. I call it

GK.Wenceslas (goodkingwenceslas wouldn't fit on the sign)

Each time you visit my city, my population increases and buildings grow etc. until I have giant skyscrapers and such!

So please visit!

You can create a minicity of your own. Just go to the site.
When it asks you to select your country, go for an African country nobody's ever heard of, because there won't be much competition to be the top ranking Minicity! I just started and i'm already ranked the 4th biggest city in a country called 'Lesotho' in Africa. Hurrah!

Never Going Back

I've switched to Ubuntu Linux, since I got them to mail me a free CD and I decided to try it out. Now i've fallen in love with it and I don't think i'll got back to XP.

I like it because it comes with most of the software you need already installed, like Firefox etc. and you don't need antivirus software (Well at least I don't think you do).

You can download Ubuntu Linux from this link (699mb) or do the lazy thing and make them mail you a free CD (just as I did) but you'll need to signup and enter your address and stuff. Don't worry, it's legit. It took about 2-3 weeks for them to deliver my CD, not 6 weeks like it says on the website.

Friday, May 1, 2009

[laptop] Mythbusters!

I just want to clear up a couple of things about the laptop.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will the laptops be Apple Macs?
No. The government's budget is about $500 per laptop and Macs are about $1500. You do the math.

Awww I want a Mac.

What the hell is wrong with you.

What will the laptops be then? HP? Acer? Asus?
IBM Lenovo S10. Its sort of a 'mini laptop' called a Netbook.
See my other post for specs and stuff.
Will they be Windows Vista?
No, they're XP.

What about filtering?
They'll have the same filter as the computers at school.

When are we getting them? And who gets them?
Hopefully September this year. And everyone in Years 9-12 gets them, but people in years 10 and up have to share them 1 between 2. Sucked in.

Silly Mrs Rae

Oops! Looks like Mrs Rae has accidentally shown us how to send an email to everyone in the school when she sent us those messages about Dave Smith.

Using this email address:


you can send an email to everyone in that year. Just replace "7" with the year that you want e.g


for year 11.

Have fun.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

its not a f@#&ing millisecond!

Whats a hundreth of a second (1/100)? 
Like 90% of you all will say a millisecond. You're wrong and I hate you forever.

So whats a millisecond? A millionth of a second, right?

Wrong again. I hate you even more, you stupid idiot.

A millisecond is a thousandth of a second. Go ahead. Google it.
I remember back in year 7, this whole matter came into conversation. So then the teachers like, "Right. A millisecond is a millionth of a second". And then I was exploding inside but I was too nice to say anything. Nobody would believe me anyway. 

1/100 of a second is called a centisecond, surprisingly.

What made me post this is what happened in computers today. We were playing the best game an Apple Mac could ever run, Marble Blast. Jake had beaten my time by one centisecond. So he's like, "Brad! I've beaten your time by a millisecond!" so i'm like "Ahh.. It's not called a millisecond, Jake" so then he's like "Alright, a nanosecond then".

A nanosecond is one billionth of a second. Go Google it.

Universal Sport Note

I've found the word document that they use to make sport notes. That means you can invent any sport you want, hand in the note and walah you're off the ballet or whatever crazy sport you want to do. The teachers can't refuse - you've handed in the note and that's final. Or you could always just change the price of bowling to $0.50.

But i'm not giving you the note. That would be insane. Oh who cares here you go. You need Microsoft or OpenOffice to read the file anyway. Have fun.

The Humans are Dead

My computer is broken and I can't fix it, so i'm using my laptop.
When I try to boot it up it won't find my hard drives. They're plugged in and everything, i've checked like 1,000 times but it still can't find them.

I can't really be bothered to sit there for an hour, trying to fix it, I have better things to do, like write on this blog.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

im back

Beach games is the best sport there ever was and I regret not choosing it for the last 9 terms i've spent at our school. I get more exercise out of the bike ride there than the sport itself.
You see, when you get there you have a choice of playing football on the sand or joining the other lazy people and go for a long walk on the beach.

Guess what I chose.

Anyway after sport Jarrod and I took a trip to Warilla Grove to have a look at the dual-layer discs at Woolworthes. Upon arriving at the popular shopping center we were faced with an obstacle: stairs. (Or a ramp, if you like).

We decided to take the lift.

The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful so I won't write about it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

and the winner is...

Your time is up! The polls and voting lines have now closed, and the votes have been tallied. It 's time to announce the Most Sarcastic Teacher of the Year Award 2009.

1st place, with 100% of the votes (65483 votes in total...) goes to
Mrs. K Austin.


Your prize will be awarded in the near future but meanwhile here is a certificate:

|M.S.T.O.T.Y |
|2009              |
|K. Austin       |

Not like you would do anything

Heres the story:

1. Keith missed out on breakfast, has a liquid breakfast in a juicebox instead.
2. Keith spills a bit of liquid breakfast on Matt's leg, wipes it on Dimitri's shirt.
3. Dimitri does the infamous 'Stand There and Do Nothing' attack.
4. I asked Dimitri why he used such a move on Matt, when he could have simple taken a step to the left to avoid getting liquid breakfast wiped on his shirt.
5. His reply was 'Not like you would have done anything!'.

Yeah. I sure couldn't. Well I could. As I said, a simple side-step to the left would suffice. 
I prefer to have my school shirts liquid breakfast-free.

Here I have included a picture of a fat man taking a side-step, and liquid breakfast, much like the stuff Keith was enjoying until he spilt it on Matt's leg.

Monday, April 6, 2009


They've finally released more information about the laptops we're getting.

Here's what i've found out:

-They'll be made by Lenovo (Ever heard of IBM?)
-Released to Teachers in July, Students in September (Apparently it'll take teachers 2 months to learn how to use them)
-Will come with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.)
-Will come with an Adobe software suite (Photoshop Elements, Dreamweaver etc.)
-OS is XP (yayayayayay) and will later be upgraded to Windows 7.
-Pre-loaded software is worth more than $5500

Lenovo S10e

I've Googled the laptop, and found the specs:
-Intel Atom 1.6Ghz (The slowest new processor you can get. Don't even think of Vista or playing games)
-Hard Drive: Will possibly be a super-fast 4gb Solid State drive, or a slow, 80gb or 160gb hard drive.
-RAM: Possibly 512mb or 1gb.
-Built in bluetooth, wifi (obviously) and 1.3mp camera.

Most Sarcastic Teacher Awards 2009

It's that time of the year again! We're taking nominations for the most sarcastic teacher of 2009, so send them in to

Entries close tomorrow, so get your nominations in! Here are the prizes:

1st prize - Slap on the face

Theres only one prize.

Breaking News

Yes. It is official.

Lake Illawarra High has opened it's very first Rumba Room. It can be found in F block, F12 to be exact.
Mr Dive was happy to make his room the very first Rumba Room in the region, welcoming anyone who would like to Rumba or just come and have a good time in this new room full of fun and dance.

We spoke to him earlier and asked him what made him decide to make such decision.
"Well, I love Indonesia, so to contribute to my love of that country I have decided to turn my room into a room dedicated to Rumba. Yes, I know that the Rumba originally comes from Cuba, but who cares? Cuba - Indonesia? Same thing!"

The new Rumba Room will be open from 7pm to 1am Monday to Friday, and 7pm to 3am on weekends.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Guess what I saw today..

I saw a guy, waiting at the pedestrian corssing at the traffic lights, wearing what appeared to be one of the ugliest pieces of technology ever...

A Bluetooth Headset.
Now, there are only 3 types of people that are allowed to wear a bluetooth headset. These are:
-People with jobs that involve briefcases or stretch limousines. E.g. Lawyers, Politicians, Secret Agent etc.
-Famous people with lots of money to spare
-People that wear suits.

This person I saw did not fit in to any of those categories. Shame on him. He probably didn't even have a mobile phone.

Mac Pranks

Yes the school is full of those crappy pieces of junk they seem to think are computers. That's right i'm talking about the Apple Mac. As Tye once said, "Apples are crap. Macs are better."
He obviously didn't realise they were the same thing, but anyway.

I've found a couple of things you can do to your friends (or foes) to piss them off when they are using a mac.

1. No more ethernet.
Pretty simple but can be confusing on the victim's end of it. Simply unplug their ethernet (blue network) cable from the wall. It is important that you unplug it from the wall, because when they go to look on the side of their computer, the cable appears to be still plugged in. Different things could happen when you unplug the blue cable:
-If they're logged in, they won't have access to their files, it'll probably say "can't access file" or something.
-If they are logged in using the internet, it will cut off their internet connection.
-If they are still on the logon screen, they won't be able to log in.

2. Log Off Shortcut
Press Shift Option Apple Q at the same time and it will log them out without the 'Logging Off in 30 seconds" popup.

3. Speech
On the logon screen, press Apple F5 and it will turn on the speech function. Turn up the volume and wait for them to type in their name and the computer will shout the letters back at them. Works better in the library because of a certain, nameless teacher who hates noise (and technology)

4. Shutdown
Like the Logoff shortcut, theres a shutdown immediately shortcut but you will have to Google this one for yourself. It's late and I want to go to bed. Or at least go downstairs and watch TV. Damnit I missed Rove.

Self-Defense Moves

From the Super Tornado and the Reverse Super Tornado, Just standing there doing nothing and prank calling them, Master Kickboxing Legend Dimitrios shares his secrets and lets us in on the special self defense moves he created himself. For the full story, click the link below.

Teachers and Technology

Things have changed since 1956, but some teachers don't know that yet. It appears that the majority of the teachers at our school have been living under a rock since then and have no idea of how technology could make their jobs so much easier than they are now. (Possible? Half the day they are sitting in their staffrooms having coffee and, in Geography's case, sitting on the couch, watching TV).

My English teacher claims that she knows how to use a USB stick and accepts assignments handed in on them. Sure, whatever you say.

When it comes to USB sticks, it puzzles me as to the whole point of handing an assignment in on one. I'm not sure if all teachers do this, but one of them certainly does.

I wanted to save paper, thus saving trees, thus saving animals and producing more oxygen to solve global warming bla bla bla by handing my assignment on my trusty little 1gb Toshiba I picked up at Harvey Norman for about $8 (that was back then when they were expensive). So he prints it out the next day and i'm like wtf. You've just ruined the point of the whole damn thing, you idiot! It's a f^%&ing .pdf! Read it with Adobe Reader or whatever program you use to read .pdf on your crappy little Mac G3. (Yes, they have one Macintosh G3 in the History staffroom. Pathetic.)

But what will be really interesting is to see how teachers react and use these nippy little laptops we're getting. Teachers are getting them as well, and they have to get lessons too! Lmao.

Let's hope every single teacher makes us use our laptops for everything we do, or at least give us the option to write the work down in our books or type it up on the laptops. What i'm really scared of is that the older teachers will most likely only let us use them for assignments, or research tasks. Lets hope not.

I won't write too much more but I just wanted to say is that watching old people use mobile phones is the funniest thing ever. Why do they use their index finger, on the opposite hand they are holding the phone in, to write an SMS? I mean, it's great that you've learn't how to send a text message, but you can use your thumb! Let your other hand free to do other things!

The Brickman's comments to the home alone inventions

I found my coleuges inventions useful and yes those sunglass are better than the feared Dimitrio's the kick boxing legend.

I would to like to make my old robot toy into something useful though i have lost the remote.

Signed in blood BM.Barry

Roboraptor will never die

Even though i'm over playing with my 2005 christmas present, Mr Roboraptor still has his uses.
A little plastic hook taped on his neck and now Mr Roboraptor holds my sunglasses! I can't help it, it's ''Home Alone Inventions Day''.

Please note that these sunglasses are ten times better than Dimitri's.

Home Alone!

You know what that means! Inventions time!

Today I made my own iPod dock!
I had found an old amplifier in my dad's cupboard (he won't mind). On the back of it, it says 1982 so I presume it is at least 27 years old which makes it even more retro and old-school.

All I had to do is get the right cables (also from my dad's cupboard) and hook it up to some old speakers I found (guess where from!) and my iPod dock (Yes, my iPod dock. I purchased it from Dick Smith. It was on clearance, $20! How could I refuse!) Now that I think of it, my dock has a USB port. I should hook it up to my charger!

Total Cost: $20 (you could probably get cheaper docks off ebay, reducing the cost)

If you didn't have the resources of my father's cupboard available to you, heres what it would cost (approx.)

Old ampifier: Like $10 from the salvo's or the old guy across the street.
iPod Dock with Audio Out: $5-10
Cables: $5
Old speakers: $5
Total: $25

Oh yes I forgot to mention the ultra convenience of having an iPod dock that comes with a remote (which I have ;D)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

=o password

I have some advice for people who aren't very creative when it comes to making a strong and secure password. (*ahem* jarrod)

Do's list.
Put in lots of numbers and letters
Make it muddled and confusing e.g wah9g49 (That isn't my password so don't even bother trying. I mean it. It's not my password. [everyones gonna try it anyway {just kidding its actually brad2}])

Don'ts list.
Don't make it your name e.g. jarrod
Don't make it your name followed by a number e.g. jarrod2
Don't make it a real word, even with numbers e.g. jarrod2

'The Spot' ban list

This is the official ban list from the officials. If your name is here on this official list you are hereby banned, officially. If you want to appeal to a ban, take it up with the officials.

This list also shows the period of time the person is banned for, starting Today. (Sunday April 5)

Tye - 60 days
Dimitri - 600 days
Derro Kid (Otherwise known as Mr. Bean) 6000 days. (~20 years)

Motivation to get out of bed

Here are my opinions on every day of the week. 

Monday - I don't necessarily think about Monday's since im in too much of  a rush getting ready for school and doing some last-minute homework. But when I come to think of it I hate Monday's, just as Garfield, since Monday is the start of new assignments, more homework, and 5 days of school till the weekend.

Tuesday - Almost the same as Monday, I tend to forget about what day it is and just carry on with getting ready. I think I have computers every Tuesday so I get excited about that. (How nerdy)

Wednesday - The shortest day of the week (in terms of periods in the day) Only 4 periods then 2 periods of sport! Hoorah. Speaking of sport I must not forget to change my sport selection. Beach Games! What was I thinking? And yes Wednesday is good since its Hump Day. Walk home today.

Thursday - Also a pretty short day, only 5 periods, the shortest day in terms of time at school. Also get to walk home. Yay for health!

Friday - Obviously the best day of the week, escpecially when it comes to last period. No more school (for 2 days, at least). Don't even have to walk home, the bus make sit on time! Imagine walking home on Friday! Gah!

Saturday - Possibly second best day. Get to do whatever I please. Oh yes! Theres another day off tomorrow!

Sunday - Not so much a fan of Sundays, since you know it's Monday tomorrow and you'll start the cycle again.

I'm back but i will be leaving again but then i will be back not too long after that

Have you read the title?

My internet connection was down since I had downloaded too many things. I assure you there was no piracy involved not even one bit.

When I go over the download limit Mr Optus slows down my connection to near dial-up speed. My computer won't even try to connect while my laptop is having a great time using the unbearably slow internet.

Anyway I am back but not for long, as the title suggests.
On Wednedsay I am leaving for a trip to an unknown land far away. To protect the citizens of this magical place I will not name the destination. (Its the Philippines) But I will be stopping off at Melbourne first so all our readers from Melbourne should head down to the domestic terminal at about 11:00pm on Wednesday to meet me. And from there I will take another flight, but for eight hours. So I will not be blogging to our millions of readers for at least a day or two.

From the secret destination I will find some way of getting an internet connection whether it be stealing free Wi-Fi from my hotel (Who wouldn't? It's like US$15 an hour) or visiting an internet cafe for approximately $1.50 and hour (it will most likely be the internet cafe).

Yes so goodbye to all our readers for one to two days. (In other words goodbye to dylan)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good bye for next week

To my colleague.

This is good bye for next week for when you go to the Philippines.

P.s Get me a snow globe

Signed BM.Barry

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lake High has a smelly new website

Click here
It sickens me.


Today for PE we played a shallow and pedantic game of Bandminton. I was lucky enough not to play.

Above: A game of badminton in progress. Below: Brickman Barry and Kickboxing legend Dimitrios.
-Good King Wenceslas

Good King Wenceslas' Wise Thought of the Day

Dimitri has big muscles

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kiama Trip

Please click on the images to see larger versions of them.

Today our class went on a trip to Kiama. Me and Brickman Barry were rebels and sometimes didn't do what the teachers told us to do! (E.g. we told the teacher we were going to buy a drink but we went to the art shop instead! But more on that later but promise you won't tell the teacher.)

First we went to the computer museum, where we saw some of the oldest computers in the world! We later saw some old people using them, but I didn't get any pictures.

Then we went for a walk. We walked up a big hill.

At the top of the hill we found an old anchor, almost as old as the computers we saw.

We also found a museum run by an old man who charged a $1 entry fee to anyone who wanted to look at all his old and useless crap. We all felt sorry for him so we paid our $1 and went in. (The teachers felt doubly sorry for him so guess how much they paid!)

There were lots of interesting things in the museum. I found a picture of an old cow (not the teacher but a real cow tehehe), the grim reaper's scythe (not pictured) , a picture of a strange old man and another old computer. What is it with Kiama and it's obsession with old computers?

There were also instructions on how to turn the old hunk of junk on and off. Windows 98 anyone?

We all hated the museum so we left after about 5 minutes and went to have something to eat. I bought a Sub from Subway (I'm now apparently part of the 'sub club') and Brickman Barry and Jack bought the same. Barry also bought a peppermint and mango icecream from the icecreamery.

We all went back to our HQ (the computer museum) and sat and talked until it was time to go back to the train station. One person wanted to go buy a drink so then everyone wanted to go buy a drink. Me and Barry also wanted a drink –tehehehehe so we asked and then we went and bought one (not! Don't tell mrs Sheridan!)

Unfortunately I didn't take any photos in the art gallery/shop because the old people in there running it would've been thinking 'wtf is that kid taking photos of our overpriced artwork for?'.

Yes that's another thing. The art was heavily overpriced (like an average of $300-400 for a crappy painting of kiama park) but I was too nice to tell the old people that. On the way out they asked Barry what he thought of the art. He said it was 'realistic' but he should've said "wtf is up wit u old ppl ur art is sooooo expensive no wunder no1 cums in here u ugly old ppl if the art woz like $50 maybe u wud have a chance but noooooo its like $300 for 1 crappy painting of kiama park.u sicken me"

Well that's pretty much it. Oh there was also a naughty boy that no-one was allowed to talk to. The teachers told him to go away but he kept coming back because he was a naughty boy. Jack said hello to the naughty boy so that makes him a naughty boy as well.

Overall the trip was shallow and perdantic. 2 stars. (out of 100)

*UPDATE* Found more pics

I found some more pictures of our trip to Kiama buried in my phone.
This is Bessie the Cow (outside the art shop/gallery)

And this is how close people in Kiama park (literally all the cars were parked like this)

Barry's Dream car

Don't step over the yellow line!

Again, click the images to see larger versions of them.